Life at 40

Joe Stoup
2 min readNov 20, 2016

There are certain times in life that it is necessary to take stock of things. For me, turning 40 is one of those times.

Here is some of what I know so far:
* I have far more questions than I have answers.
* A night of sleep makes all problems seem less like mountains and more like mole hills.
* I love a well designed….well, anything. If something is created that anticipates how I will use it and it makes that use easy, I love it.
* I have not yet accomplished what I have set out to do.
* PB&J can be eaten everyday for lunch if one is trying to save money.
* Being cc’d on email chains is one of the most annoying things in the world.
* Choices mean saying yes to one thing and no to another, otherwise, they aren’t choices.
* Music was put on this earth to provide a rhythm for life.
* Life without music is dull and quiet.
* Having children is the most challenging thing in life. Mainly because I worry about their future and how their actions today will impact tomorrow.
* It is critical to continuously grow myself or else I will become trapped by my past.
* I don’t understand people. Probably because most people don’t wear their history on their sleeve and in order to understand someone, you need to know what has made them.
* Making blanket statements about a person based on a single trait does no good.
* I am not on earth to judge you.
* I am the result of my experiences. At 60, I will be the result of my current experience and those that I have in the next 20 years. I want those experiences to be good ones.
* Having a temper is ok. As long as you can control it.
* I cherish time spent with friends and family.
* I cherish time spent alone.
* I don’t cherish time with people who are more interested in their phone than eye contact.
* God loves me. And you.
* Downtime is regenerative.
* This is harder than I thought it might be.
* I worry that I try too hard to connect with people.
* I miss my extended family.
* I wish I was a better person.
* Awareness of what is happening around me is very important. It is not good to be self-absorbed.
* I don’t like to repeat myself.
* I don’t like to repeat myself.
* Sometimes I do things just to annoy myself. At least it seems that way.
* Quick decisions come easy to me. Sometimes they aren’t the right ones.
* Failure is fine. It means I tried something and I missed the mark.
* I hate my self image.
* Duluth, Minnesota holds a very special place in my hear.
* I didn’t think I would live to 40.

Thanks for taking part in my mini-midlife crisis. Or taking stock as I like to think of it.



Joe Stoup

A life-long learner who helps others gain knowledge and put it to work. Instructional design is a my passion. Priorities are God, family, friends, and bourbon.